Sunday, May 8, 2011

Recovery Week Over! Rest Day.........Or Insane Abs

Core Synergistics again last night for the last workout in the recovery week.  I really love this workout! I was sweating like crazy this time for some reason.  It really really works you! Man push up walk and where you hold plank position for 10 seconds then drop to chataranga for 10 seconds is crazy.

I am really starting to get excited. Really starting to see results and can tell for sure that my strength has increased significantly. Thinking about posting some 30 day result pics.  But the only start pics I have are of when I first started way back when I started doing P90x........and stopped. Then started Insanity.......and stopped.

I'm determined to finish this one. Then I am going to start Insanity: The Asylum. Just have to figure out somewhere to buy and agility ladder for it. Or make one of my own. I bought a jump rope to start practicing for Asylum and lets just say I will be using my imaginary jump rope for the workouts.  lol

Anyways, can't wait to start week 5 with a whole new set of workouts from the Insanity, P90x and P90x+ series.

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