Tuesday, May 3, 2011


When you start either P90x or the Insanity workout program you will receive a nutrition guide that outlines step by step what you should eat for optimum results.

But let's be honest. The hardest thing to do other than working out is eating right. I'm going to be honest I can't eat half the crap in those guides.

Let's face it, we all live busy lives and it's hard enough to find time to exercise and it's even harder to follow a strict diet that will cost you like a billion dollars a week to follow.

My advice is to find things that you
can eat that you atleast enjoy a little that WILL FILL YOU UP. Just try and keep the calories and fats down and try and monitor your calories. We aren't stupid, you don't need a trainer to tell you not to eat a box of Krispy Kremes. If you are questioning whether you should eat something, chances are YOU SHOULDNT!

My best advice is put yourself in situations to succeed. Don't go to places that is going to make it difficult to order something healthy. Research and find something and know what you need to get before you even go in the restaurant. Don't even look at the menu! Don't say, "I've been good all day, I can eat one bad meal." NO YOU CAN'T! It's not worth it.

In closing, just make smarter choices and know that if you want to get ripped and fit you cannot slam Snickers and Fried Chicken and wash it down with 16 beers. use common sense and you will be ok.

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